State Purchasing & Contracts Office

The State Purchasing and Contracts Office (SPCO) is responsible for managing the State's decentralized purchasing process for state agencies and institutions of higher education in order to ensure the procurement of quality goods and services at best value through fair, open and competitive processes. 

The SPCO is made up of the Central Contracts Unit, the State Price Agreements program, and Procurement Programs, which include vendor outreach, communications, training, data administration, and project management. 

Staff Contact Information

National Recognition for Procurement Innovation 

Units & Programs


Programs of the State Purchasing & Contracts Office


Supplier Resources, Training & Outreach


Statewide Solicitations & Price Agreements

Central Contracts Unit

Statewide Contracts Unit


Competitive Bid Opportunities
ColoradoVSS Help Desk 303.866.6464 | VSSHelp@state.co.us


Sherri Maxwell, Chief Procurement Officer | sherri.maxwell@state.co.us

State Price Agreement Team

Central Contracts Unit

Procurement Programs Team

For more information contact:

Barbara Musick